Saint Barbara

Parish Family 32

By 1903 St. Barbara in Black Diamond was a mission of Our Lady of the Rosary in nearby Franklin. The historic church was dedicated by Bishop O’Dea on October 23, 1910. Beginning in 1916, the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Martin in Lacey supplied priests for the church. They continued until 1942.

The new church was built in 1998.

Web site
Address32416 6th Ave., Black Diamond, WA 98010
Phone(360) 886-2229


All Masses celebrated in the Ordinary use of the Roman Rite in English unless otherwise indicated.


Saturday (Vigil Mass): 6:00 PM (main church)
Sunday: 8:00 AM (main church)
Sunday: 10:00 AM (main church)
Wednesday: 9:00 AM (historic church)
Thursday: 6:00 PM (historic church)
Friday: 9:00 AM (historic church)


Saturday: 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM